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  • Uberlube Silicone Based Lubricant Bottles

    The highest quality personal lubricant ever created. Because of its perfect composition of 4 safe ingredients, Uberlube is versatile. Meaning you can use it anywhere on or in the body. Use it vaginally, anally, for athletic purposes and even as an anti frizz hair product.

    We’ll even let you in on a little secret, this silicone lube is safe to pair with platinum cured silicone sex toys! Just be sure to wash your sex toy thoroughly after use. It's not messy, sticky, tacky and won’t dry out fast like others may.

    When in motion, it stays in motion which eliminates the need to reapply often. And if swallowed during oral play, it’ll pass right through your body like food and water do. Try it yourself and see!